Clues & Answers For The Mirror Quiz
(February 3, 2025)
- 1. River in Russia; longest in Europe - Crossword Clue
- 4. Harriet Beecher -, author of 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin - Crossword Clue
- 10. US state; capital Augusta - Crossword Clue
- 11. University friend of Hamlet in the William Shakespeare play of that name - Crossword Clue
- 2. Constellation containing the stars Rigel and Betelgeuse - Crossword Clue
- 3. City in France that hosted the 1968 Winter Olympics - Crossword Clue
- 5. Ancient Phoenician port in southern Lebanon known for the production of a rare sort of purple dye - Crossword Clue
- 6. Highest part of the back of a horse - Crossword Clue
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